Every 1 in 8 Americans carry student loan debt

Recently, Data-Z released the newest data on Student Debt Per Capita. Every 1 in 8 Americans carry student loan debt according to the May 2021 census data. These are the top three places that carry the most Student Debt Per Capita.

Throughout 2018 to 2021, The District of Columbia carried the largest amount of Student Debt per Capita. The District of Columbia had $12,440 in 2021, which almost doubles the amount in comparison to Georgia and Maryland who follow second and third for the largest amounts of Student Debt Per Capita.

Why do you think The District of Columbia has the most Student Debt Per Capita?

Amber Saxon is a Communications and Marketing Consultant at Truth in Accounting.

Chart Link:  https://www.data-z.org/c/rIXd9sDy9ccf179