Married couple households in Utah and New York from 2016-2019

The chart of the week compares married couple households in New York and Utah from 2016 to 2019. This chart shows that Utah succeeds New York in the percentage of married couple households over a four-year time period. Although neither state’s percentage of married couple households have substantially increased or decreased, it is clear that New York has a greater percentage of single or non-married households.

 In Utah, 62 percent of residents are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint. The religious values of the Mormon denomination perhaps contribute to the high percentages of Utah’s married couple households over a four-year time period. 

Overall, New York’s and Utah’s married couple households remained unchanged between 2016-2019. A global pandemic might change the rates of married couple households as the crisis affected the everyday lives of an individual. However, Utah continues to show greater numbers in married couple households than New York.