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Baltimore nonprofits dodge needed scrutiny

OCTOBER 21, 2024 | THE BALTIMORE SUN | by David Williams

Baltimore’s finances are in a bad way. Despite assurances from the mayor that the city’s $4.1 billion budget for fiscal year 2025 is balanced, this misleading message masks a dismal reality. As fiscal watchdog Truth in Accounting notes in its 2024 “Financial State of the Cities” report, “Baltimore would need $14,100 from each of its taxpayers to pay all of its outstanding bills”

Taking a close look at Maryland's Financial Health

OCTOBER 11, 2024 | FOX 45 NEWS

Trending now nonprofit group "Truth in Accounting" recently ranked the financial health of all 50 states and in that report Maryland received a "D" grade.

Be Skeptical of Claims St. Louis is Running A Surplus

OCTOBER 11, 2024 | SHOW-ME INSTITUTE | by Patrick Tuohey

KMOV ran a piece the other day reporting that the St. Louis comptroller claims the city has a $42.2 million surplus.

I’m skeptical, and you should be too.

Video: Good Day Maine: Maine's Financial Health Gets a "C"


Why didn’t Maine get a better grade in this report?
They got a C because it would take $2,300 from every taxpayer for the state to pay off all its bills.
If the state used every penny it has available right now to pay its current bills, it would still be short by $1.3 billion.

Unhealthy financial status puts Illinois' on the critical list

OCTOBER 7, 2024 | THE NEWS-GAZETTE | by Jim Dey

There they go again.

The carnival barkers are on the attack, sharing more bad financial news about Illinois than some people want the public to know.

In its latest report on the financial health of the 50 states, Truth-in-Accounting, the Chicago-based financial watchdog group, ranks Illinois near the very bottom — No. 48.

Report: Georgia's financial picture improves

OCTOBER 7, 2024 | THE CENTER SQUARE | by Kim Jarrett

Georgia has $8.8 billion to pay its bills, with a surplus of $2,400 per taxpayer, according to Truth in Accounting's Financial State of the States report.

2024 Financial State of the States: Illinois gets an ‘F’ again, ranked third worst ‘sinkhole’ state


As of August 31 2024, Illinois had not released its fiscal year 2023 annual financial report. Based upon the state’s last audited financial report for the fiscal year 2022, it had a Taxpayer Burden of $37,000, earning it an “F” grade from Truth in Accounting. At that time, Illinois needed $175.4 billion to pay its bills. Unfunded pensions and other employee retirement obligations continued to plague the state in 2022, and we expect the same occurred in 2023.

California’s financial state deteriorates as officials slack on making financial data public


There are two ways California could use some truth in accounting. First, with the extraordinary level of waste, fraud and abuse in this state, it is indisputable we need more fiscal discipline and oversight.  Second, and in furtherance of the first, Truth in Accounting (TIA) is a highly reputable think tank that analyzes government financial reports. Its conclusions about California are disturbing to say the least. 

Connecticut Makes The Bottom Of Yet Another List, The Financial State Of The States 2024: It's The Biggest "Sinkhole State" In The Nation


Truth in Accounting (TIA) released its 15th annual Financial State Of The States Report for 2024. This is the third report TIA has done in conjunction with the University of Denver's School of Accountancy.


Financial State of the States 2024

OCTOBER 3, 2024

Our fifteenth annual Financial State of the States (FSOS) report provides a comprehensive analysis of the fiscal health of all 50 states.

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